nofap relapse

10 Reasons Why You Relapse In Nofap & How to Overcome It.

Committing yourself to be on a nofap journey for 90 days or for a lifetime is easy. What’s difficult is staying on your commitment.
By the way, how difficult is it to stay in your commitment to be successful on your nofap journey and never relapse?
I mean, how hard that could be!
Let me tell you something.
If you want to travel the whole world on your feet, that could be easier compared to being successful in Nofap.
Nofap relapse is most likely because there is no government to stop us, there is no high council to force us on our journey, and pornography materials are everywhere.
Nofap is something that we have to do on our own.

grow your passion

How to Grow Your Passion | Live a Passionate Life

According to Wikipedia, “Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards a compelling desire for someone or something.”
And the dictionary definition is, “Passion is a strong and barely controllable emotion.”
Therefore, we can say that passion is a strong, controllable emotion towards something or someone.
But, our brain doesn’t feel strong emotions for the same information over and over again.

Negative Effects of Pornography Addiction

10 Negative Effects of Pornography Addiction

10 Negative Effects of Pornography Addiction There are more than 10 negative effects of pornography addiction that are affecting our daily lives. It can vary from physical issues to psychological illness.  The most common negative effects of pornography addiction are given below. Get Quality Self Improvement Articles Every Week, No Spam, No Ads. I’m in. …

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