Procrastination and Mindfulness

Procrastination and Mindfulness | A Guide to Start Moving in Life.

Suddenly, you are in your middle age, and still, you haven’t achieved much in your life.
It only seems like yesterday that you had all the dreams and desire to do something great, but now, as time passes by, those dreams and desires start to fade away.
What happened?
What did you do wrong?
Now, every day is the same.
You already know what will happen today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. There is no excitement anymore.
You are also aware of your promises that you will work on your goals, no matter how hard it becomes, and you will do this and do that within the upcoming months.
But, deep down, you are also aware that you will never complete your projects on time; you will never finish that half-done manuscript that has been lying in the drawer for the past two years.
You will keep making promises and keep breaking them.
Is it because of your willpower, or is it because of something else and how to stop your procrastination for good?

to-do list

Living Life Without a ‘To-do List’ | Getting Things Done.

Living Life Without a ‘To-do List’ | Getting Things Done. There was a time when I followed a rigid ‘to-do list’ that could help me achieve the dream life I desired.  I calculated the time I spent studying, the time I spent learning new vocabularies, and the time I spent learning the Guitar.  After two …

Living Life Without a ‘To-do List’ | Getting Things Done. Read More »