fearful avoidant chase

Fearful Avoidant Chase : 13 Ways to Break Free From a Fearful Avoidant Relationship.

In the fearful avoidant attachment style, a person craves love and intimacy, but once that person receives that care, love and support, he gets scared and tries to distance himself from his partner.

Though the person still loves his partner, he thinks this relationship will not work, bad things will happen, and the other person may leave him.

This starts developing fear in the heart of fearful avoidant regarding rejection and abandonment.

He also finds it difficult to express his emotion and love, and he becomes overwhelmed by intense feelings, eventually leading to conflict in relationships.

Once the fearful-avoidant distances himself from his partner, the other person starts chasing him to save the relationship.

This is known as the fearful avoidant chase.

narcissist sees you cry

When a Narcissist Sees You Cry : 16 Reactions to Expect and Protect Yourself from Manipulation.

A narcissist is a person who has low self-esteem, seeks attention and validation from others, has a lack of empathy or cannot put oneself in another’s shoes, and thinks he is better and more important than everyone else.
This happens not because he loves himself; on the contrary, he hates his self-image and constantly fears being ignored and forgotten.
If you lack empathy, have low self-esteem, or sometimes love to praise yourself, it doesn’t make you a narcissist.
Generally, most of us have some amount of narcissistic traits. Perhaps, some degree of narcissism is healthy for living a good life.
A narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health professional.

rules to become successful

10 Rules to become successful in Life

How to be successful in life, a cliche title.
Success can have different meanings for everyone. For some, acquiring vast wealth can be a success.
For others, having good relationships with spouses, parents, children can be a success.
Again for some, achieving life goals like writing a novel, publishing songs, winning gold medals, getting that dream job, etc., can be a success.
But, whatever your definition of success is, you have to admit that the fundamental of all our versions of success is happiness.
We are all running after happiness.
But there are rules to become happy in life.
Once we stop following these rules, our life becomes a painful experience, a bad memory.
Most of us don’t know what the rules are, and therefore they keep getting confused with their way of living.
Moreover, they live with the wrong rules for most of their lives.
These wrong rules are so widespread in our society that we never question them and follow them blindly because everyone is following them.
These 10 rules mentioned here are more like principles that guide you to live a good life, a happy life so that you never regret it at the end of your journey.

master of your mind

How to become the master of your mind | Be the 1%

How to become the master of your mind?
My roommate is on a quest; as he said, I will not become the slave of my mind; rather, my mind will become the slave of mine.
I guess he was talking about his conscious and unconscious mind.
Of course, everyday we do things we don’t want to do, everyday we skip things that we should do, and most of all, there are some activities, despite bad consequences, we fail to stop doing it.
People call them bad habits or addiction, but if you are the master of your mind, no power in the world can make you do things that you do not wish to do.
This article will tell you how to become the master of your mind.