Semen Retention Timeline | A 180 Days Journey to Understand its Pros and Cons.
In this information age, you can get any information you want within a second.
But most of the information you receive is fake or just a guess from the author.
If you search for the risk of drinking water, you will get something on google.
Yes, there are some cons of semen retention, like, an increase in stress, brain fog, memory loss, or losing interest in everything.
But, the good news is that the effects are temporary because your brain is rewiring, and soon you will have better memory, a clear mind, and less stress.
There is also a myth on the internet that semen retention can cause prostate cancer.
To support this myth, there is no proof that frequent ejaculation may lower the risk of prostate cancer.
Besides, you don’t have to do semen retention for your whole life if your goal is unrelated to religion.
Moreover, if prostate cancer doesn’t kill us, the average life, low self-esteem, depression, failing daily, low income, and the chaos in the mind may kill us sooner.