benefits of quitting video games

10 Confirmed Benefits of Quitting Video Games after 90 Days

There are many benefits of quitting video games, and the list of benefits will keep growing as long as you live.
This article will deal mainly with the psychological benefits of quitting video games rather than the physical aspects.
Because getting obese because of low to no physical activity or skipping food and affecting your health is easily distinguishable.
But, the mental health that excessive video game affects the most are intangible and cannot be seen.
Though, a person who is a video game addict can feel the deterioration of his mental health and how it is affecting his life.
Most of the time, people don’t know that playing excessive video games is a problem.
They don’t believe in video game addiction.
According to them, they are just having fun and can stop playing video games whenever they want.
Now, I am not saying video games are bad.
I even support video games.
I play video games too, but the addictive nature of video games is what we should be worried about.
Once you finish the complete article, it will make sense to you.
Let’s start:

quit video game addiction

How to Quit Video Game Addiction | Accelerated Character Growth

So, my roommate was saying something yesterday that made me think for a long time.

While I was contemplating how to quit video game addiction and improve our individual characters to achieve success and happiness, my roommate’s sudden speech threw a light on my theories of addiction.

I know he doesn’t have video game addiction, nor does he have any games on his pc, but like everyone else, he has other kinds of addiction that he is unaware of.

Before proceeding, I want to clarify something in advance about the definition of addiction.

Nofap depression

Nofap Depression: The Dark side of Nofap that everyone hides.

Nofap depression is nothing but a period of your nofap journey where you will feel depressed for specific days.
You will be unable to produce any results you expected to do in this stage before starting your journey.
This will result in frustration and sadness simultaneously, and doubts will start to creep inside your mind.
Perhaps, nofap is fake, and whatever you read in those articles and internet posts does not apply to you.
You may also say, nofap is not working because it’s been a long time since you are in nofap, and instead of experiencing all the amazing benefits you read, now you are miserable, numb, unproductive, and sad.
Your moods will change in an instant. Sometimes, you will become over-excited, and sometimes you will burst out crying for no reason.

Achieving mastery

The Path on Achieving Mastery- Beginner’s Guide.

We are all masters of something.

We are masters in walking, talking, reading, or maybe eating. We are masters of understanding language.

Language comprehension is one of the most complex tasks that we perform.

It requires different types of integration to comprehend languages, such as knowledge of words, spelling, sounds, grammar, meaning, etc.

It also demands good cognitive functions such as attention, deciphering abilities, memory retrieval, etc.

If all the things work correctly, we can understand a language.

Yet, how easy it is for us to understand it.