core values

Living Against Your Core Values | Resisting Happiness

How to live a happy life?

How to live a smoothly flowing and successful life?

Again, despite working so hard, why we don’t have much success yet?

Why do we fall back to our older selves despite progressing for a few days or months?

Why do we do the things that we don’t want to do in the first place?

What is the formula for our happiness and success?

This article will deal with these topics.

worried life

A Worried Life | Tomorrow Never Comes

Most of our happiness and sorrows depend on the external world.
If we win a lottery or if something happens according to our wishes, we become ecstatic.
On the other hand, sorrow and darkness start to surround us if something doesn’t go according to our plans or wishes.
I ask myself, is it the world that is miserable or my mind, or is it the world that is happy or myself.
If I am dependent on external sources for my happiness and sorrow, how can I be ever happy in this life?
I will always be concerned with the outcome rather than enjoying the process, I will always be thinking about my future rather than living the present, and I will always think about tomorrow, which never comes.
Why I should start living tomorrow when I will finally learn how to play the guitar, or crack my entrance exams, or get that promotion or become wealthy when I already have today to live.
Why I should care about the uncertain tomorrow that nobody knows how it will happen, I already have today, this moment, and I know how it is happening.
This article is about how to live a stress-free life and achieve success on its own.

personal character

Developing personal character with consciousness

So, I typed how to develop personal character in google.
I got some tips like- having self-discipline, be accountable for our actions, have a strong burning desire, write down our dreams and thoughts, etc.
I started doing the same, and to be honest, I started feeling good about myself for a few days.
My productivity increased, I became more disciplined, and I started talking with everyone with great energy.
My life seemed to be flying.
The reason I tried to develop my character is because of a simple belief.
I believe a person can never achieve success more than his character.
So, once my character started to build, I started achieving success every single day.
But, of course, I didn’t fly for long.
The fuel of motivation is limited, and once the motivation went off, my engine shut down in mid-air.
I crashed on the ground hard and broke my fake self-esteem, happiness, and progress rate.
It was then I realized that personal character doesn’t develop from external sources; it develops from within us.
This article will tell us how.


Start Making Your Bed | The Psychology of Self Discipline

The psychology of self-discipline starts from self-respect.

A person who lacks self-respect cannot have self-discipline.

A self-respected person tries to protect his respect by having discipline in his life.

But, this doesn’t mean a person having self-discipline will have self-respect.

I know all this doesn’t sound very clear for now, but everything will make sense once you finish the article.

Let’s begin.