
Hi, I am Ahbab Ahmed. I am on a journey to transform our lives with logic and discipline. As a person who was an addict, a big procrastinator, a failure, and constantly daydreaming about happiness and fulfillment, I can relate to what others are going through in this phase. I have been writing self-help and inspirational articles on my blog Basicideaz.com since 2020, and I hope it can make a difference in someone’s life. I am also a 3d artist, a traveler, and someone who loves playing competitive video games.

fearful avoidant chase

Fearful Avoidant Chase : 13 Ways to Break Free From a Fearful Avoidant Relationship.

In the fearful avoidant attachment style, a person craves love and intimacy, but once that person receives that care, love and support, he gets scared and tries to distance himself from his partner.

Though the person still loves his partner, he thinks this relationship will not work, bad things will happen, and the other person may leave him.

This starts developing fear in the heart of fearful avoidant regarding rejection and abandonment.

He also finds it difficult to express his emotion and love, and he becomes overwhelmed by intense feelings, eventually leading to conflict in relationships.

Once the fearful-avoidant distances himself from his partner, the other person starts chasing him to save the relationship.

This is known as the fearful avoidant chase.

narcissist sees you cry

When a Narcissist Sees You Cry : 16 Reactions to Expect and Protect Yourself from Manipulation.

A narcissist is a person who has low self-esteem, seeks attention and validation from others, has a lack of empathy or cannot put oneself in another’s shoes, and thinks he is better and more important than everyone else.
This happens not because he loves himself; on the contrary, he hates his self-image and constantly fears being ignored and forgotten.
If you lack empathy, have low self-esteem, or sometimes love to praise yourself, it doesn’t make you a narcissist.
Generally, most of us have some amount of narcissistic traits. Perhaps, some degree of narcissism is healthy for living a good life.
A narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health professional.

semen retention timeline

Semen Retention Timeline | A 180 Days Journey to Understand its Pros and Cons.

In this information age, you can get any information you want within a second. 

But most of the information you receive is fake or just a guess from the author. 

If you search for the risk of drinking water, you will get something on google. 

Yes, there are some cons of semen retention, like, an increase in stress, brain fog, memory loss, or losing interest in everything.

But, the good news is that the effects are temporary because your brain is rewiring, and soon you will have better memory, a clear mind, and less stress. 

There is also a myth on the internet that semen retention can cause prostate cancer.

To support this myth, there is no proof that frequent ejaculation may lower the risk of prostate cancer. 

Besides, you don’t have to do semen retention for your whole life if your goal is unrelated to religion. 

Moreover, if prostate cancer doesn’t kill us, the average life, low self-esteem, depression, failing daily, low income, and the chaos in the mind may kill us sooner.