mental barriers

The Earth is Flat | Lifting Mental Barriers

The earth is flat.
There is no doubt about it.
I also have proof that the earth is flat.
For example, if the earth is round, why is the water not slipping away from the ocean?
Before the flat earth theorists get happy and the rest get angry at my conclusion, I want to point out that this article is not about proving the earth is flat or round.
It is about lifting the mental barriers that stop us from achieving our goals.
The barriers we are unaware of, or the barriers we don’t want to lift.


Focus | How to stay committed to your goals

I am committed to my goals.
I am going to achieve what I want in my life.
I am focused.
I am going to study 8 hours a day and reach my goals before everyone else.
I am going to practice 12 hours a day to improve my skills.
But, wait, let me check youtube first.
There is no harm in just watching one youtube video, and besides, I need breaks.
There is a strong unknown force within me that is pushing me to check my Gmail.
I have turned off all the notifications on my mobile, but I still check them more often.
Sometimes, I don’t know what I am doing and how I am wasting time everyday.
It is only at bedtime; I realize how much time I have wasted today.
There is no mental clarity.
This article will discuss how we can improve our focus in life and, and most of all, how we can be happy.

developing any skill

The Art of Developing any Skill | Rapid Growth

Roy practices his guitar everyday.

He loves playing the guitar when he can sing along with it.

But, after three months of practice, he can play only one song.

So, when I asked, why don’t you learn a new song?

He said, “I don’t know bar chords, and news songs are difficult to play. I make a lot of mistakes.”

I replied, the more mistakes you make, the more you will learn.

Right? Is this statement even true? I asked myself.

Why does making mistakes teach us more than effortless practice??

What goes in the brain when we put a targeted effort rather than mindless practice?

nofap and career success

Nofap & Career Success | How Nofap Makes You a Productivity Ninja.

First scenario:

There was once a time when you had high ambition, dreams, or goals. You just wanted to prove to the world that you are something, and you have got it in you.

Most of all, you enjoyed your work the most.

There was a fire inside you, and no matter what you did, you were always competitive.

Second Scenario:

Perhaps you don’t know what you want to do in your life. Maybe you were not that competitive since childhood, but that was okay because enjoying the process was everything for you.

Maybe you liked singing, or dancing, or writing but you just enjoyed them while doing it. You never thought it was a potential career opportunity.

Now, after all these years, you don’t find those old activities as enjoyable as before.